To Whom It May Concern:
After a few visits to Texas Acupuncture, almost 80% of my 12-years-old lower back pain is gone. At the same time I was feeling sharp pain more on my side as well, which I had no idea was related to my kidney. That pain is gone now too. Circulation to my feet has become much better. Tu has recommended different kinds of herbs, and I am almost completely free from all prescription drugs. My deepest appreciation to Tu and Cammy!
SH, Waxahachie, TX
I was skeptical at first but acupuncture works!! For the past 2 years I’ve had a lot of nerve pain in my neck, shoulder, and back. I tried everything to get rid of the pain including steroid shots, nerve block treatment, icy hot, massages and nothing worked, the pain was still there. Doctors kept giving me prescriptions but all that did was mask the pain, not fix it.
Finally, one of my doctors suggested acupuncture and recommended Tu Truong at Texas Acupuncture. Tu explained how acupuncture worked and how he would treat my whole body and not just my pain points. He listens and was very thorough and thoughtful about making me feel better. Well, after 6 weeks of treatments my pain level went from a 9 to a 1. Tu also gave me exercises to build up my strength and flexibility. Now I have my energy back and feel great! I walk every day and do things that I used to take for granted.
Thanks Tu for making me feel normal again.
JP, Arlington, TX
I would like to say thanks to the staff at Texas Acupuncture for making my first experience with acupuncture more than pleasant. This isn’t the ordinary quick-fix acupuncture clinic people think of. Well, it is that and much more. Mr. Truong spent time to evaluate my overall health and educated me on the different aspects of diet and lifestyle in order to improve my condition. Not only did he knock out my lower back pain, but he also helped get my high blood pressure under control through a natural approach. There’s nothing more I can ask for. Thank you so much!
KP, Arlington, TX
When I made my first appointment with Joan Gregory, I had been suffering from a chronic cough and extreme fatigue for more than 8 months. I had been to several doctors and been tested in a variety of ways. I was treated with steroids, cough medicines, decongestants, analgesics, allergy medications and inhalers. Nothing was helping. When I met Joan and Patricia for the first time, I left with hope that I could return to a state of good health.It wasn’t very long before I quit taking all of the medicines that had been prescribed for me. It took a couple of months but I am feeling remarkably well and I almost never cough. I am so grateful for the NAET treatments and all the encouragements I received from Joan. I couldn’t recommend them any more highly. If you have been sick for a prolonged period of time and your doctors have tested, poked and prodded you, and prescribed more medicine than you can imagine, give Joan a try. She can and does help you. I will always be grateful to her and her wonderful assistant for helping me get back to my life.
Teacy B.
I developed Adult Asthma when I was in my 60s. Soon I was taking 3 puffs a day on an inhaler, plus other daily medications. I also was taking medication for acid reflux. I knew about NAET because my grandson had been successfully treated for serious food allergies, so I decided to give NAET a try. After 6 basic treatments the asthma seemed to be lessening to the extent that I didn’t need to use the inhaler anymore, and after 8 treatments I did away with the prescription medications. Soon after that the acid reflux was gone and I no longer needed that medication. Going for NAET treatments has made a definite improvement in my life. Even though insurance does not cover my treatments I have saved money by not paying for medications and inhalers. I fell physically WELL again.Ernest M.
Tree Pollens
Spring allergy season used to be miserable for me. For two to four months out of the year, my eyes and throat itched incessantly. “Why not try NAET?” I thought. After trying several air borne allergens, I was treated for some tree pollens and felt relief by the next day. Now I have just a few itchy days, and I know if I devoted the time to more NAET treatments, those would clear up as well.Kelly M.
Lactose Intolerance
For most of my adult life dairy products have been difficult for me to digest. In recent years the consequences of consuming dairy products were increasingly unpleasant. It became necessary to really limit my intake of milk, cheese, and yogurt. Ice cream, cottage cheese, and sour cream had to be avoided entirely. I was treated for Lactose intolerance at the Acupuncture & Allergy Center. The treatment was painless and surprisingly simple. At first I was really cautious in testing the outcome, but soon I realized there was no longer any need for limitations on my diet. Now I enjoy a wide range of dairy products; milk with my cereal, ice cream with my pie, yogurt with my fruit, and sour cream with my baked potato. I am no longer lactose intolerant!Bill G.
Bladder Infection
My husband and I began NAET treatments because we wanted relief from seasonal allergies. We got that relief, and we found that NAET was more than a cure for pollen-related symptoms. For example, I have a long history of bladder infections. The doctors typically prescribed antibiotics which got rid of the symptoms, but the infections kept coming back. Frequently I was bedridden because of the intense spasms I experienced. After three NAET treatments I don’t have to deal with that anymore. Imagine what it means to me to be free of this problem for the first time in my adult life!Over time my husband began to suffer from food allergies. First it was avocados, then cantaloupe, then other melons, then bananas, and on and on. If he ate even a small amount of the offending food he became nauseous. After NAET treatments he can eat all of these foods as often as he wants.
Bob & Linda M.
Motion Sickness
Years ago, I was hospitalized with a severe inner ear infection. Ever since, I have been subject to spells of vertigo. I have to avoid any motion related activities, even watching someone on a swing or merry-go-round can make me dizzy. I can’t ride in the backseat of a car or turn my head quickly. I have to be careful bending over and I can’t sleep with my head lower than my shoulders. On occasion, I have been so dizzy that it was difficult to walk, and a few times my dizziness resulted in vomiting and diarrhea. To recover from these spells I usually have to lie in bed as still as possible, sometimes for most of the day. Medication has never helped.My wife encouraged me to visit Joan Gregory, a NEAT practitioner, who had successfully treated her for allergies. After receiving a couple of NAET treatments my head and sense of balance have a normal feeling. I am no longer light headed. I’m able to turn my head quickly with no harmful effects, and I also believe I’m sleeping better. I’m amazed, and most thankful.
Ernie M.
My son had recurring skin warts. When they started to appear around his mouth, we had them removed by a dermatologist. They returned and we continued to visit a dermatologist off and on, but the warts would always return. We had experienced great results using NAET to treat my daughter’s food allergies, so I decided to try NAET on my son’s warts.It wasn’t an immediate fix. Wart varieties are numerous and other factors can contribute to the problem. But, Ms. Gregory was persistent and she found a combination that worked. His warts went away. It has been two years now, and they have not returned.
Kelly M.
Food Allergies
NAET has been a revelation for me. Growing up I tended to have many strange reactions to the foods that I ate. I got used to feeling sick after almost every meal. It seemed like my problems were genetic and I would have to live with them for the rest of my life. Thankfully my wife discovered NAET and convinced me to start treatments. My initial response was relief at finally being able to understand the health issues that I felt were akin to medical mysteries. With NAET I was able to reduce and eliminate the allergies that were affecting my quality of life. My breathing is better, I have fewer headaches, and I can eat anything I want.Starting NAET has been like the beginning of a journey and I can’t imagine a better team to start NAET travels with than Joan and Patricia. Joan keep the treatment process simple, tailors the treatments to your needs, and acts like a detective in figuring out the source of your allergic reactions. Patricia handles questions with ease and is so helpful in scheduling appointments with lots of flexibility. NAET has helped me to learn what was causing such odd physical reactions and allowed me to overcome them. I am thrilled.
Mark L.